1920’s Multimedia Presentation Rubric


Group Members Names:


Directions: This form is designed to help evaluate student presentations.

5= Excellent (A) 4= Good (B) 3= Satisfactory (C) 2= Needs Improvement (D)

1= Poor (F) 0= missing (F)

Research (25 Points)

1. Students make effective use of class time in the library including turning in notecard with at least 3 different sources.

2. Students makes effective use of class time in the library including turning in a least 2 pages of handwritten notes.

3. Students make effective use of class time and complete rough written outline of first 4 slides.

4.Students make effective use of computer lab time and complete title slide and at least other 2 slides.

5. Students make effective use of computer lab time and complete the remainder of the slides.

Design (15 points)

6. Presentation includes (6 slides min –10 slides maximum)

7. Presentation includes background, graphics, transitions, and animation.

8. Presentation includes appropriate amount of information per slide, not too many graphics.

Content (20 Points)

9. Students used multiple sources to gain information for presentation.

10. Presentation illustrates student knowledge about the assigned 1920’s topic.

11. Students cover all main ideas and topics mentioned in the presentation overview.

12. Students make effective comparison to the 1990’s.

Presentation (25 points)

13. Group was prepared to make presentation on time and presentation opening (title slide) effectively introduced topic and group members.

14. Group members were on task and made eye contact with audience not just reading off sheet as well as using proper voice and tone.

15. Presentation was creative and captured the attention of the audience. Group members allowed for student questions and were prepared to answer them.

16. Presentation stayed on topic and covered the important concepts and main ideas.

17. Presentation took the appropriate amount of time: 15 minutes minimum- 25 minutes maximum


Individual Portion (15 points)

18. Student participated to their ability and is deserving of the grade the group will receive.

19. Student worked hard and made positive contributions to the group effort.

20. Student worked well with group members and treated them with respect