Course Description: This course fulfills the graduation requirement for history and is a prerequisite for all major universities. The focus of this two-semester course is on the major turning points in in World History from 1400 to the present. Students will learn important social study skills, the importance of citizenship, and make personal connections to history.

Textbook: Modern World History by McDougal Litell.

The textbook will be checked out during the first week of school. It is required to cover your book and write your name in the front cover. A paper bag or cover provided by the library is acceptable. The textbook is heavy and you will not be required to carry it to class everyday.

Materials Required:

A single subject notebook (200 pages) with pouches for handouts is required. A model will be provided in class. This notebook must be for history only. No multiple subject notebooks or thick binders accepted. The notebook will be collected and graded on assigned dates.

A writing instrument (pencil/pen) to be brought to class daily.

Construction Paper or Posterboard- for projects throughout the year.

Helpful but not required: colored pencils, highlighters, ruler, and dictionary